50/50 Winner's Form — Montreal Canadiens

You’re receiving this link because you have recently won a 50/50 raffle from the Montreal Canadiens Children’s Foundation as part of a Canadiens game at the Bell Centre. Details of your prize have been communicated to you by telephone and/or email.

To receive your prize, you must complete the declaration and release form below and provide two (2) proofs of identity within fourteen (14) business days from the time we did the draw. Your cash prize will be issued to you by cheque.

For any questions, please contact us at fondation5050@canadiens.com and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

  • Winner's contact information

  • Please ensure that your mailing address is correct, as your cash prize will be sent by check to the provided address within 60 business days of claiming your prize.
  • YYYY slash MM slash DD
  • Exoneration of responsability

  • Full name
  • YYYY slash MM slash DD
  • Identification

  • Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 300 MB, Max. files: 6.
      For example, you could upload a copy of either your passport, your driver's licence, your health insurance card, your birth certificate, your certificate of Indian status, or other official documents issued by a federal, provincial, territorial or state government authority allowing us to confirm your identity.
    • Hidden

      Banking information

      Your prize will be paid by direct deposit in Canadian dollars ($ CAD) within 60 business days of claiming the prize.
    • Hidden
      Drop files here or
      Max. file size: 300 MB.
        Assurez-vous que le document contienne le nom du titulaire du compte, l'adresse de votre succursale bancaire, le numéro de transit, le numéro de l'institution, ainsi que votre numéro de compte ou de folio.
      • Testimonials

      On behalf of the Montreal Canadiens Children’s Foundation, congratulations on winning half of one of our 50/50 jackpots!

      Thank you for supporting the Montreal Canadiens Children’s Foundation through the 50/50 raffle program. Your generosity will enable us to provide a better and healthier future for children in need by promoting a healthy and active lifestyle among youth.