This document has been prepared for organizations that wish to introduce a project that encourage and support a healthy lifestyle through physical activity for youths between 4 and 17 years of age. By reading this document, you will learn about the terms and conditions that are necessary to present your project.
The funding request form must be filled out to enable the Foundation to determine if the project meets all requirements under its mandate and mission statement.
The Montreal Canadiens Children’s Foundation mobilizes the resources of the entire Canadiens family and teams up with the community to provide a brighter future and healthy lifestyle for underprivileged children throughout Quebec.
The Foundation establishes its objectives according to a preventive-action strategy that is based on the following:
- Encourage and support a healthy lifestyle through physical activity.
The Foundation carries out its mandate in two different ways:
- Through the implementation of its flagship BLEU BLANC BOUGE program – refrigerated outdoor multipurpose community rinks – which the Foundation assumes full leadership;
- Through the financial support of community organizations whose projects meet the objectives of the Foundation.
The Foundation supports projects that take preventive action to help underprivileged youths between 4 and 17 years of age, and whose objectives are:
- Encourage and support a healthy lifestyle through physical activity.
All eligible projects must be presented by an organization that meets the following criteria:
- Must be private and non-profit;
- Must be incorporated and identified as a charitable entity, possessing a Revenue Canada registration number;
- Must submit a charitable donation receipt for the full amount of the donation;
- Must offer its services and activities within the province of Quebec;
- Must show a stable and continuous management;
- Must produce financial statements in conformity with recognized accounting standards established for all non-profit charitable organizations;
- Must have an established board of directors and clear internal and administrative regulations.
Eligibility criteria allow the Foundation to establish if a project meets its objectives. All submitted projects must conform to the following criteria:
- Meet the most important needs of a community’s group of underprivileged youths between 4 and 17 years of age;
- Must have a direct impact on a significant number of children in the community;
- Implement a series of preventive intervention strategies that embrace a healthy lifestyle and physical activity;
- Make maximum use of volunteers, at the project’s management, orientation and implementation levels;
- Make use of other revenue sources than solely those of the Montreal Canadiens Children’s Foundation for the implementation of the program. The Foundation favours projects that require more than one sponsor/contributor;
- The request must clearly indicate to what means the Foundation’s funds will be used.
IMPORTANT: If your organization has already obtained financial support for a project, a new request will not be admissible unless a funding follow-up form is filled out and returned to the Foundation within the identified deadline.
While an organization may show that its project meets all of the eligibility criteria set forth by the Foundation, it must also prove that it has a solid management. To receive a donation, an organization must:
- Establish realistic objectives that can be measured according to actual needs in the community;
- Manage and control the various steps in the development of the project;
- Be able to identify and evaluate the results of the project and actions taken;
- Guarantee a steady management of funds allocated to the project, including a detailed budget that the organization is able to manage in a thorough fashion.
The Montreal Canadiens Children’s Foundation establishes its support in the following manner:
- Punctual support for organizations whose projects receive financial assistance because they help youth through well-defined activities that are supported by guidelines that are pertinent to the program and to all partnerships involved.
- Individual projects and individual therapeutic activities;
- Fundraising campaigns or debt-reduction initiatives;
- Projects that seek financial support for expenses related to the acquisition, construction, or renovation of buildings or other similar elements;
- Projects that solicit funding for research, studies or training;
- Initiatives related to current measures, programs or resources of government organizations or ministries;
- Private foundations or endowment programs, international organizations or those that offer help outside Canada, churches and religious organizations, political parties or all politically-related activities, organizations that act as third parties and service clubs;
- Daycare Centers (Centres de la petite enfance – CPE);
- Conferences, workshops, congresses, contests, concerts, celebrations, exhibits of all types and any ponctual events;
- Telethons, auctions, fundraising initiatives;
- Direct-sales campaigns;
- Requests aimed at covering general operation and administrative salaries.